7th Forum for Innovation in Education

About Wayne Holmes:

  • Wayne Holmes (PhD, University of Oxford) is an Associate Professor in the IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, at University College London (UK). His research takes a critical studies perspective to the teaching and application of Artificial Intelligence in educational contexts (AI&ED), and their ethical, human, and social justice implications.
  • He leads the Council of Europe’s AI&ED expert group, which is developing legislation to protect the human rights of students and teachers engaging with AI-enabled systems.
  • He is also Consultant for the Technology and AI in Education unit at UNESCO.
  • He is the author of relevant works such as The Unintended Consequences of Artificial Intelligence and Education / Artificial Intelligence in Education. Promise and Implications for Teaching and Learning / Citizens Interacting with AI Systems / The Ethics of AI in Education. Practices, Challenges and Debates.
  • He has given keynotes about AI&ED in countries around the world (including Belgium, China, Colombia, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Oman, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, and the USA).

About the conference:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is frequently hailed as a ‘solution’ to many of education’s core problems such as student underachievement, assessment at scale, and better preparing learners for 21st century career paths.
However, such claims tend to be aspirational rather than evidence-based and overly simplistic, forgetting issues such as agency, pedagogy, surveillance, efficacy, and ethics. In fact, teaching and learning with AI all too often undermines student agency and disempowers educators, while teaching and learning about AI almost always focuses on the technological dimension of AI to the exclusion of the human dimension (its ethical, human, and social justice implications).
Accordingly, this presentation will introduce Artificial Intelligence and education (AI&ED) from a critical studies and human rights perspective. It will identify and address many of the myths, it will propose an ethics by design approach, and it will pose more questions about AI and education than it answers.

Wayne Holmes was interviewed whilst visiting the school by the newspaper Diario ABC. Click here to read the interview.

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