Assessment and Reporting

Pupils in Primary are continually assessed during the school year through their class work, homework, observations or short tests. Teaching is then adapted to suit the needs of the children in the class, thus ensuring pupils are working at varying levels in order for them to progress and reach their potential. Every child’s attainment is tracked throughout Primary and interventions are organised to either support or challenge pupils.

Written reports are uploaded on the Parent Profile at the end of each term. These show both the attainment and the effort grade for all subject areas, as follows:


  • Working Above Expectations
  • Working At Expectations
  • Working Towards Expectations
  • Working Below Expectations


  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Satisfactory
  • Unsatisfactory
A target is also given for English, Maths and Spanish so pupils are aware of their next steps.

There are three official Parent Meetings arranged during the academic year. At the start of the year parents are invited to a Welcome Meeting to get to know the class teacher, visit the classroom and hear about the day-to-day routines and main expectations of the year. The other two meetings are individual times for teachers to discuss pupil progress and targets with parents, organised between terms 1 and 2, and the final meeting is in June. Parents of pupils who are receiving support will be met every term.  Additional meetings can be organised by parents or the teacher when necessary.

For more information contact us