Psychologist and Special Education Needs

Ms. Cristina Pérez, our School Psychologist:

She plays a pivotal role in the academic and emotional well-being of our students. Her primary objectives include:

1.- Identification of High Ability Pupils: Ms. Pérez employs a range of assessment methods, both group and individual testing, as well as observation by parents and teachers, to identify high-ability students.

2.- Support for Pupils with Difficulties: For students facing academic challenges, our school provides small group academic support to enhance study and organisational skills.

3.- Emotional Development Monitoring: Ms. Pérez closely monitors the emotional development of our students, offering guidance to parents and teachers. She provides individual or small group support to students encountering difficulties in social interactions or experiencing transitory emotional disorders.

4.- Resource Support for Staff: Ms. Pérez collaborates with our teaching staff to offer advice and strategies tailored to each student’s unique needs.

5.- Parent Engagement: The department conducts informative talks for parents to provide crucial insights into their children’s physical and emotional development.

6.- Additionally, they offer career orientation guidance to help students select optional subjects for study.

7.- Informative Talks and Videos: Our department hosts regular termly talks and creates informative videos to empower parents with valuable information about their children’s education.

“At Caxton, we believe that every student deserves the opportunity to succeed, and with the dedication of our School Psychologist and SENCO, we are committed to providing the necessary support to ensure that all students can reach their full potential.”

Ms Tobias, our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator):

She is an integral part of our commitment to inclusive education. Her responsibilities include:

1.- SEN Strategy and Policy: Developing and overseeing the implementation of our school’s SEN strategy and policy to ensure the inclusion of all students.

2.- Identifying Needs and Monitoring Progress: Meeting with pupils with SEN, observing them in the classroom, and collaborating with teachers and parents to identify needs and monitor progress.

3.- Individual Support/Learning Plans: Working with various stakeholders, including teachers, parents, and external agencies, to develop, implement, and monitor individual support and learning plans.

4.- Regular Updates: Providing regular updates on pupil progress through meetings with parents to ensure everyone is informed and involved in the child’s development.

5.- Teacher Support: Offering advice, guidance, and training to classroom teachers on effective strategies for supporting pupils with SEN.

6.- 1:1 Interventions: Delivering personalised 1:1 interventions in subjects like mathematics and Sounds-Write to address specific learning needs.

7.- Promoting Neurodiversity Awareness: Organizing whole-school events and activities to increase awareness and celebrate neurodiversity, fostering a more inclusive school community.

For more information contact us