Leadership and Volunteering

Promoting Lifelong Skills

Character development is a priority at Caxton College because it is fundamental to the successful future of our students. Our curriculum is designed around their comprehensive education, combining their academic successes with an education in values and morals, and teaching them to become people who respect themselves and others, as set forth in our School Vision. We offer a range of opportunities and roles for students to develop wider skills needed for the future.

Student Voice

We believe that students should have the opportunity to express their views and ideas, to help us to continually improve our school. Throughout the school, from Year 7 to Year 13, there are a variety of leadership roles that students can volunteer or be chosen for. This allows us to consider the opinions of students in decisions we make about our school.

Co-presidents are the voice of all Secondary Students. Any Year 13 student who has previously been a member of the Student Council may present themselves as a candidate for these roles. Candidates promote their values and ideas during Campaign Week in September, and then present their ‘speech’ to Sixth Form students and staff, before online voting is opened to all members of the school community. 50% of the total votes comes from Staff, and the other 50% comes from the Student community. Head Boy and Head Girl oversee the running of the Student Council, who are a vital link between the student body and the school’s leadership team.

The Student Council is made up of twelve students from Year 12 and 13, plus Head Boy and Head Girl. In September, candidates submit a personal statement to the Head of Sixth Form for their subsequent election. School Council members meet weekly during the school year with the Co-presidents to bring their suggestions and improvements to the leadership team. They organise whole school events such as our annual talent show MOVES, charity cake sales and events for specific days such as World Teachers’ Day. They also work closely with students and staff to bring about positive changes to our school community that have been identified by students as needing improvement. This can range from ideas for meals in the dining room to new books for the school library.


Voluntary Work

Our Year 12 students carry out voluntary work with various organisations.

At the Periferia Association in Valencia, and at the Martínez-Coll centre in Puçol, pupils help children and teenagers in danger of social exclusion by assisting them in completing their homework, or by helping them with their English.

We also collaborate with the day centre and home for the elderly in Puçol, and there students help out in workshops that focus on sensorial, numerical and literacy stimulation.

These experiences are enriching for all.

Charity Campaigns

Solidarity with those less fortunate is essential in today’s world. For this reason, the school organises activities designed to promote this value among our students.

Throughout the school year, there are several charity campaigns that help to educate our students about issues such as world hunger or the lack of awareness of the world’s environmental problems.

At Christmas time, we organise campaigns for food donation as well as items for disadvantaged children. We also aim to increase the awareness of our students of issues such as social discrimination, world poverty, race relations, respect and care for our elders, recycling for environmental protection and wildlife conservation.

In order to carry out these campaigns, we work with various international organisations such as UNICEF, the WWF and Caritas, as well as organisations based in Spain such as UNICEF, Caritas, Asindown, WWF, TAI, Asociación Periferia, Alianza Española de Familias de von Hippel-Lindau, Por la Sonrisa de un Niño and Payasospital

In the same spirit of collaboration, and together with the Valencian Regional Department of Health, Caxton College organises blood donations twice a year for parents, school staff, and students who are already aged eighteen.

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