Beyond the curriculum that the school teaches every day and which emphasises socially responsible values, Caxton College has a management model that aims to expand the culture of sustainability in all areas of the school, but specifically amongst all of its employees. Moreover, we are aware of the importance in this institution of our human capital, so we look out for their wellbeing, offering them a number of benefits in areas such as healthcare, education, legal advice and finance.
Some of the actions that we carry out in this area are:
To ensure the wellbeing of our staff, we have put into place a healthy environment that promotes good eating habits, places importance on the benefits of practising sport and guarantees the health of each employee. Some of the principal measures that the company has undertaken are:
- ‘Back School’ classes given by Unión de Mutuas.
- First Aid and CPR classes taught by the school nurse.
- Annual blood testing carried out by Unimat.
- Medical check-ups and health and safety courses given by Unimat.
- Annual flu vaccines.
- Weekly visit from Dr. Mascarós, General Medical Doctor at the Quirón Salud Hospital in Valencia.
- Blood donations twice per year with the Valencian Region’s blood bank.
- Periodic monitoring with the TANITA scale, and personalised diet plans.
- Promotion of the use of sport facilities and participation in different sport activities such as yoga, pilates or dance.
- Midday meals served in the school dining room, prepared in the on-site kitchen, based on the Mediterranean diet and free of processed foods.
- Periodic monitoring of blood pressure for the staff who require it.
- Training in the Heimlich manoeuvre.
- Promotion of weekly mindfulness activities in online sessions.
A group of employees from different departments make up the Wellbeing Committee, which plans social events with the aim of promoting a positive working environment and create an integrated and motivated community.
- Afterwork socials.
- Sports activities
- Christmas party for employees and their families.
- Termly second breakfasts
- Monthly Staff Newsletters
All employees have the option to broaden their professional development throughout each school year, attending courses, workshops, lectures or conferences that the school makes available to them inside or outside of school. Employees may also request specific training courses from the school management that will help them to improve their specialisation in their post. Courses taking place periodically over the years are:
- Course to train teachers in Mindfulness techniques.
- Course to manage conflictive behaviour in the classroom.
- English classes for employees.
- Spanish classes for teachers.
- Course on understanding the pupil with difficulties.
- Course on leading teams and developing people.
- Course on customer service and management of claims/complaints.
- Course for Yoga Kids & Family instructors.
- First Aid course for teaching staff.
- Course on teaching backwards.
- Course on effective lesson observation.
- Workshops organised by NABSS (National Association of British Schools in Spain).
- Course: Getting Ready to Teach English Language A Level.
- Secondary Annual Conference 2018 for Art, Craft and Design.
- Brainning Conference.
- UNED training courses.
- Physical Education course: Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1): Coursework Marking Training
- AQA Extended Project Qualification Teacher standardisation.
- Effective Exam Preparation for AQA Psychology.
- 5th Annual Conference of Spanish Social Studies Teachers.
- Training on how to prevent violence and school bullying.
- A History Teacher’s Toolbox – effective, practical and creative ideas for your classroom.
- Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Leader Training.
- Workshop regarding interpretation of CAT 4 results.
- Course on how to measure the outcome of innovations applied in the classroom.
- Course on neuroeducation and neuropsychology.
- Attendance at the BETT show of information technology in education.
- Course on how to promote resilience, emotional health and creativity in children and adults.
- Sounds-Write training for Primary teaching staff.
As a matter of course, the school works to implement ecologically efficient measures so that we gradually become 100% sustainable in our entire chain of productivity.
- Updating to LED lighting throughout the school.
- Use of ecological cleaning products.
- Collection of fluorescent tubes for recycling.
- Use of 100% recycled paper in school.
- 80% of the electricity that the school uses comes from renewable sources: solar, wind etc.
- 32% of the gas used in the school facilities comes from renewable sources: biomethane or syngas.
- Use of Pentel Recycology board markers, made without xylene or toluene.
- Our stationery suppliers (for labels, coloured paper, exercise books) have FSC certification.
- We use printer toner cartridges made with recycled plastic and in recycled cardboard boxes. When they have been used up, they are returned for recycling.
- Photocopying machines have an Energy Star rating, aiming to reduce energy consumption and pollution.
- Batteries, plastic and paper are recycled in the Paper Room.
- Paper is reused to make notepads.
- Paper products certified by PEFC, such as the paper we use in school, guarantee consumers that they are purchasing sustainably managed forests.
- The school’s food service is notable for purchasing fresh local produce and for using no processed ingredients.
- The bags used by the school shop are made of paper or recycled and biodegradable plastic.
- School shop tickets are sent by email, not printed.
- The dining room and kitchen service use reusable and recyclable materials.
- Installation of ceiling fans and awnings to create shade and reduce dependence on air conditioning.
- Water-saving taps in sinks.
- Air conditioning units with programmable thermostats.
To be more socially responsible and contribute to helping people in unfortunate circumstances, we educate our students by example. The school therefore destines resources every year to different charitable organisations.
Employees also have the support of the school’s management if they wish to organise donations of food or clothing or fundraising for different charitable causes.
- Donation to the Santa Marta Catholic Church in Puçol.
- 15 scholarships for English courses to the Puçol Town Council.
- Termly donation of clothing to Cáritas and Mamás en Acción.
- Sale of items in the school shop to collaborate with a variety of charity organisations such as Unicef, the Ronald McDonald House in Valencia and the Spanish von Hippel-Lindau Alliance.
- Food collection for Ukrainian refugees in Valencia through Help Ukraine.