We succeed together

Our parents are central to our educational project and working together is essential to ensure our pupils' full development. We are extremely grateful for the kind messages of support that we have been receiving from our families.

A Parent's Perspective

Thank You Words

Year 3, 6 y 8

Our daughters are very happy at school. Starting on the first day, they have come home with a smile on their face every day since the first day. They speak highly of the school, their classmates, their teachers and even the meals, haha! I really want to thank all of you for making the process of joining mid-year such a simple one.

Year 11

Thank you so much for all of the effort you are making and the transparency in the information related to Covid-19 in the school. We are most grateful and it gives us much peace of mind.

Year 11

I just wanted to send my congratulations for the parent meeting about mock exams. I think the presentation explained everything completely, clearly and in an interesting way, especially for those of us who don’t have older children and don’t yet fully understand how these exams and the procedure for entering University work. Please pass on my compliments to Mr Lomas and Ms Cristina.

Reception & Year 3

I am the mother of two children who have been at Caxton College for 5 years. We have left Valencia for professional reasons but there is no doubt that we will return to Caxton College when we return to Valencia. For us it is more than a school, it is a big family. Our experience in Primary, from the school nurse, María ❤️,  to Ester in the Primary Office, Ms Sanchis the Psychologist, Mr Taylor in Music, Ms Stenhouse… there are so many people who are more than professionals at a school, they are humans who do everything possible to help children overcome any obstacles they may have. It is a school with undisputed values, with a curriculum that goes beyond English, with projects in all different areas, which is very difficult to organise and implement. For example, if the children are studying a topic about Egypt, every subject is part of that project: mathematics, language… and they finish off the topic with a fancy dress day and the children are happy to finish the project and participate in the celebration. It is a demanding school based on a culture of effort, but it has resources, such as its psychologists or the speech therapist, which are the best that can be found. There are a lot of students, but the principal knows each one of them: she is always around and knows how to be there when needed. Speaking from our own experience, in many public or private schools the principal is present only in management matters, but she is a participant in the life of each child. Thank you all! We send you our best regards from the UK, you are the best family and school we have ever encountered. And as soon as my children arrived here, their new school recognised the level that our children were bringing with them not only of the English language, but also in their manners, behaviour, mathematics… Ms Bernat, Mr Taylor, Ms Fraser, Ms Sanchis, Ms A.Gil, Ms Navarro, Ms Bayarri, Ms Bas, Nuria, Déborah, Ester, Hugh, Meli, Ana from Admissions who changed our lives, and we can’t say enough good things about the amazing school kitchen and dining room and its healthy flavours! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making my children happy!! We miss you ❤️

Year 3, 6 & 8

I’d like to thank the entire Dining Room team and say well done for the wonderful experience I had today when I went to have lunch with my children. The Dining Room was immaculate and the food was excellent. It was a very healthy and nutritious meal and plus, it was all delicious. Paqui and her whole team were so kind to us and are extremely caring and good-hearted with the children, and as a mother, I could not be more grateful.

Year 12

Thank you so much for the mentoring programme you have started to help pupils who need it, among them our son. Once more, Caxton is thinking and helping its students, our children. We only have words of thanks and affection for you!

Year 2 & 3

Hopefully one day we families will be able to give back even a small part of what you at school give us every day. All of you: in the kitchen, transport, school cleaners, teachers, secretaries…. We have nothing but admiration for you.

Year 3

We would just like to convey our gratitude to the school psychologists, Silvia Sanchis and Cristina Pérez, for their amazing video with guidelines for parents. Both my husband and I agreed completely with every point mentioned. We are truly fortunate to have such a complete school where not only students but also parents have the opportunity to be educated and work together to build the foundation for strong future adults. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Year 1 & 3

I took my girls to watch the Secondary School Musical Mary Poppins. We throughly enjoy it and think the performance was extraordinary. Especially considering it was done by a group students who can only practice it during their spare time. Thanks for the teachers who made this happen.

Baby Caxton 2

We’d like to thank our son’s teachers, Ms Algaba and Ms Robleh, as well as the rest of the Baby Caxton 2 team, especially Ms Pili who have all played an integral part in looking after our child. As parents we logically question whether we are making the right decisions about our children’s education, and we have to say that thanks to the amazing work of Ms Algaba and Ms Robleh, any doubts we might have had disappeared. (…) We’d also like to congratulate the school for having such a wonderful team of professionals and thank all of them for their excellent work. Our most sincere gratitude.

Year 5

I just want to thank Ms Stenhouse and the organisers of the Caxton Cheese & Wine Party for a great event. It was really nice to meet other parents and Caxton staff. We shared valuable information and obtained a better foundation for our new adventure in Valencia.

Year 10 & 12

I’d like to congratulate the school and especially the Pastoral Department for all of the activities organised. I believe all areas of social integration are extremely important so that our children live in a society based on respect for others.

Year 4 & 5

I’d like to say a huge THANK YOU and congratulations to Víctor Lucena and Carlos Mengual in the Caxton Tennis Academy. We’re very pleased with the Academy and how it works, as well as how activities are run (group lessons, private lessons, tournaments and trips). In addition to their work training players and the complete dedication they show, they’re always willing to address any concerns parents may have and to personalise and adapt lessons for players, and they do it all with a smile and a positive attitude. Last weekend they were at the Rafa Nadal Academy and it was an unforgettable experience for the players. We felt very fortunate to be able to give our children this unique experience, and they came back incredibly happy and motivated. I want to thank Víctor and Carlos for their commitment and enthusiasm in fostering the children’s passion for the sport and in helping them to improve every day, not only in their tennis game, but also on a personal level. Thank you for making it all possible, and well done for your excellent work.

Year 6 & 9

We just want to thank all of the Caxton teachers and staff for welcoming K. into Secondary, and for challenging him in his subjects. He comes home every day sharing something new that he has learned, that has gotten him thinking deeply. We really appreciate the daily feedback about his progress in his subjects. We are so grateful that even despite the pandemic, he is able to go to a wonderful school where he is being challenged intellectually and given an excellent education. The Buddy programme has worked very well and he has settled in and found some very nice friends. He even loves the food at lunchtime! 🙂 We are looking forward to things getting even better once the pandemic (hopefully) is over. Thank you for delivering a great curriculum despite the challenges. Thank you for all the support and keep up the great work!

Year 1, 7 & 10

Thank you for the amazing effort absolutely every member of the school’s staff is making. Our heartfelt thanks.

Year 13

Congratulations for the international food initiative in the month of March! At Caxton you are always thinking of ways to make pupils’ lives more enjoyable, and in a year like this one with so many restrictions, when the easiest thing would have been to stop these activities, you’ve kept on coming up with new alternatives. Thank you for showing our children so much affection and love.

Nursery & Year 12

These past months, we’ve been particularly proud to have our children at Caxton College. Absolutely everything that you are implementing seems perfect to us, from transparent information about classes or pupils who have been isolated, to restrictions regarding when pupils can be collected from school and even to timetabling and online lessons…. Thinking about all of the details that can help make our lives easier is something we will never be able to thank you enough for.

Year 1 & 5

This year we’re having a new experience living in Toronto (Canada) for work reasons. I’d like to congratulate you for the incredible level of English that Caxton pupils have. It might seem obvious, since it’s a British school, but I don’t know that it’s always the case.
To evaluate the level of English of my older son, at his school in Toronto they tested him and told us that in reading, writing and comprehension, he is at the same level as a native Canadian student. (…). This is quite an achievement for Caxton College. The only area he was a little weaker in, and it was only a little bit, was speaking. This is perfectly understandable since although children are rewarded for speaking English in lessons, in Spain all of their life outside of school is in Spanish and with their friends they speak in Spanish. And the area we are least concerned about is speaking, because with the background our son has, they say that in just one month he’s completely caught up. (…)

Baby Caxton

This message at the end of the academic year is to thank you all very much for such a wonderful year. Ivana, Cathy and Llanos have looked after our little ones as if they were their own children, and we can see it in the children! They love to go to school, they have a great time and they love their teachers, whose manner with the children is excellent. We couldn’t be happier with how the year has gone. Thank you again for everything and we wish the whole team a happy summer.

Year 4 & 8

S. has settled in very well both socially and academically at Caxton. We have been impressed with her renewed enthusiasm for school work and she has made a point of saying how she is finding her Mathematics teacher very approachable and accommodating. On a social level, she feels welcome and included – the ethos of the school very much alive in her co-students.  In her own words ‘moving to Caxton has been the best decision of my life!’  (She has set the bar high!)
We were also very impressed with the professional manner under which you personally handled her application. It is not easy for either party in the current circumstances, but your accommodation of a site visit was greatly appreciated by both us and Sophia.

Year 3 & 6

I’d like to convey my congratulations for the production of the musical ‘Aladdin’. It was wonderful! The performances of all of the main characters, played by students, were so impressive that I felt that I was being transported to Broadway! Well done to all of the participants and the artistic directors.

Year 9

Congratulations!! I think you’re doing an incredible job and I know how much effort is required. A million thanks for taking such good care of our children. We have always been sure that we chose the best school for Carlos, but how you have managed this situation only reinforces that feeling. Thank you again.

Year 1 & 6

What a wonderful initiative the Sensory movement classes with Ms Cox are! We appreciate these kinds of activities being integrated at school, they are needed so much now more than ever. I hope they will become a permanent addition.


I would like to pass on my most sincere thanks to the school for having such professional staff such as Ms Vivanco, our son’s teacher. I know that we have only completed the first part of the school year but we are so pleased with her and we wanted to say so.

Year 2 & 3

A very special thank you to María, the school nurse, who works so incredibly hard every week to keep the COVID situation under control and look after our children’s health. Thank you so much to everyone in the Caxton team for all of your effort.

Year 6

Thank you to the playground monitors for taking such good care of our child; to the dining room staff, because he’s spoken well of you so often. Thank you to the Primary Office staff, who always help me with so much kindness; thank you to the psychologists for your advice; to the clinic for looking after him so affectionately; and thank you to the transport team, especially the drivers and bus monitors who have looked after him so well all of these years. Thank you to the whole extracurricular activities team: his art teachers (his art class has been his favourite moment of the day), his German teachers (he loves you so much!), his swimming instructors (thanks to you, he went from being afraid of the water to not wanting to get out of the pool), thank you to the team who coordinate all of these activities (Bea and the rest of the team: thank you for making it all so easy). Thank you to everyone who has been involved in the summer camps: you cannot imagine how much he has enjoyed the Challenge Camp in German and Discovery Camp! He’s never wanted to go to any summer camp that wasn’t at Caxton. And he hasn’t missed a single summer there since Nursery! And of course, thank you to the coordinators, Ms Stenhouse, Mr Fraser and Ms Sayce.

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